An Inconvenient Truth Lab Exercises

Dr. Nathan J. Malmberg

January 21, 2007

Before you begin watching the movie, in the lab fill two 600 mL beakers with ice. One should be filled with about 500 mL of ice, and one should be filled with about 200 mL of ice. Then fill each beaker to the 300 mL mark with tap water. Swirl the beakers to ensure that the ice is as settled as possible. Place the two beakers on a hot plate, and set the hot plate to the lowest possible heat setting. Answer the questions below.

  1. Is there ice above the level of the water in each beaker?

  2. Is the ice touching the bottom of the beaker in each beaker? Explain.

Now watch “An Inconvenient Truth” and answer the following questions.

  1. The movie shows a strong correlation between CO2 levels and global temperatures. How do you think this point might have been made even more convincing?

  2. Name two different effects of global warming on weather systems.

  3. The United States is one of the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions worldwide. What factors do you think contribute to this dubious distinction?

After the movie, return to the lab, and observe the two beakers that have been heating.

  1. Has ice melted in each beaker?

  2. Has the water level risen in each beaker? Explain.

  3. Why did we perform this very trivial experiment? (Hint: it has something to do with the movie.)