Michael Newton Keas

Vita & Home Page: www2.okbu.edu/academics/natsci/keas.htm

| OBU | Science Division | BS Sci | US Sci | US 311 | US 312 | HPS | Planetarium | Develop | Email | Road Kill |

Vita Contents

  1. Home Page: Vita Title Page (Current Page)
  2. Vita Summary
  3. Education & Publications
  4. Honors & Awards & Associational Membership
  5. Papers Read at Professional Meetings
  6. Faculty Development Activities
  7. Committee & Other Institutional Service
  8. Courses Taught & Teaching & Research Interests
  9. Civic Activities
  10. University of Oklahoma Graduate Work


To investigate how the history and philosophy of science can improve science education.

To foster critical thinking and worldview analysis across the curriculum.

What's New?

Spring 2005 lecture series (approval pending): Modern Myths about Science and Culture